Wednesday, March 10, 2010

First Time for Everything!

It's the first plane trip for everyone pictured here!!

That is our plane in the background :) [As well as my pre-flight 'bou on the heater. Thank you to he who invented the Breve'.]

Princess kid-carry-on packed?

Away we go!

Solid (Warm, Green, Beautiful) Ground

Day One: Eat Breakfast, Relax, Relax by the pool, relax some more, mom and I grocery shop (WISH I knew how to extract the photo of the cart from my phone!), we make & eat food, we relax some more... (The theme remains pretty consistent today!)

Meet the Clan...

The nephew, Dom, and Aunt Debbie

Myla and Grandma Roxane

There's Addie-cakes, next to Dom and Deb

There's Joel, next to mom and Myla. Have you figured out our location yet? ;)

 Mom and me!

Vacation pad...
The master suite (aka: Mom and Debbie's room. Must be a sister thing!)

Our cozy room in our own wing!

The baby-room

Both bathrooms had jacuzzi tubs, and the MOST luxurious soap EV-ER. Smoothest leg shave - beyond smooth.

Dom enjoyed the TV in here when the Olympics were on out in the living area.

Girls, girls - you have to share Auntie Debbie!

There always seem to be enough babies to go around :)

He's gonna let the liquor do the thinkin'.  ;)


Our traditional photo since 1997 (literally!) It started with our annual Gunflint Trail camping trips. We do this everywhere now! We call it "Our Shot". :)

My primary interest at this juncture was simply to soak in the rays... Ah. Nice.
Heehee... You know it's warm out when Joel is in the pool!
Telling the lady in the next chair that she's "3".
Aww, I love these moments :)

Hel-lo BIKINI! Let the sunshine in ~
While on my back absorbing that Vitamin D, I opened my eyes and realized... THIS is my view! 

Nap Time!

That evening was gorgeous as well! Joel and I got some swimming in those first few nights!
Here's to: