Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Princesses Live HERE!

So what if it's my first visit? What's it to ya?

It was Dom's first visit, his actual birthday (12th), AND he volunteered to get his ticket for free! NICE.

AH! There it is! The CASTLE.............

There it is again! [Insert Squeals of Glee Here]
Getting Closer!
Thanks for the family pic Deb!

I was so white, that even my tan looks pretty white... but this gorgeous day certainly helped with that problem.

Here we are!! (Now what?)

OH - a SHOW! Good times.

SHRIEEEK! GASP. The PRINCESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT? There's MORE? How can it get any better than that??
All of Myla's dreams just came true I think! ;) (Little did she know that she was going to MEET her princesses in PERSON soon!!!)
[Photo by Joel]
[Photos by Joel]

 Yep - she's in heaven :)
[Above Photo by Joel] 

 We had lunch watching the "Small World" boats go by, in great anticipation of joining the jolly boaters below.

 The staff did a fine job of thoroughly embarrassing Dom for his b-day! 
 Addie loved it!

 If only there weren't heads in front of us restricting my reach, this would have worked.

 Glad they were behind us - fab shot! :)

I bet I can guess what song you're thinking about...
It is a small world after all... There's proof that we were on the required ride, dad!

Oooooh. Ahhhhh. It's an expensive world...

Mom and Myla waiting in line for a roller coaster!! (NOW her dreams have culminated.) 
photo by Joel
She's so patient. There were only a couple of rides for this wee-one. But she had a great time!
photo by Joel

This play area was kid-friendly for all the itty-bitties.
She got her speedway license! She got to drive the go-kart... (It's on a track.)
They are both proud :)

The OMG Moment! Sleeping Beauty!!! (AKA: "The PINK One!")
Here is Cinderella!! They got each one's autograph.
It's Belle!!
(You can see here - they are WEARING the princesses today, compliments of Auntie Debbie!)

Just when they didn't think life could get any better...

Quick ~ head-count! Okay - we're all here.

Later Gator

Mom & Dom, and Joel & I went on the Space Mountain Roller Coaster. 'Twas wild!

The girls received these bubble guns that light up... Quite a hit!

Holy smack - Tink flew right over our heads!

Pixie dust? Perhaps.
Oooh - timing! Make a wish (or 2).

Or Vertical? How 'bout both!
Fantasia... Fantastic!
Okay - now I'M in heaven! Pretty magical, don't ya 'T'ink'?
She loves Tink! (Me too!)

We concluded the evening with cupcakes (12 - how convenient!)

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